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50 While the majority of protoplanets including all lunar- to Mars-sized bodies were ejected from the Solar System by Jupiter or merged with other protoplanets to form terrestrial planets, 50 Ceres survived relatively intact. March 05, 2009 6:24 PM Post Comment Home About Me Name: Paul McAuley Location: United Kingdom All content on this blog is copyright Paul McAuley 2006 2007 2008 2009, but you don need to ask permission if you want to quote or link to anything. With critical eye, yet open mind, he also exposes science myths and misinformation, getting to the root of the issue in hand. As can be seen from the size comparison, trying to spot Ceres is quite task, it is tiny in fact, it is the smallest classified dwarf planet out there, so far. The listed values were rounded at the magnitude of uncertainty 1-sigma. The features are reflected in roman ceres temple this movie of the asteroid rotational period. All of the funds will be used to help purchase equipment for the new Community Center, set to open this spring.