Com Alcohol Facts: The alcohol contents of regular beer, glass of dinner wine and shot of whiskey or other distilled spirit 80 proof are all the same. Some reasons that teens use alcohol and other drugs are: curiosity to feel good, reduce stress, and relax to fit in to feel older From very young age, kids see advertising messages showing beautiful people enjoying life and alcohol. You can work out exactly how many units are in drink by the alcohol percentage on the t-pain alcoholic lyrics label:number of units alcohol 1000 volume in mlFor example, bottle of claret with 12 per cent alcohol has units 12 1000 750. Explain to the drinker what you will do if he or she doesn go for help--not to punish the drinker, but to protect yourself from his or her problems. These disturbances can lead to hypoglycemia reduced glucose in the blood and hyperlipidemia increased fat the malfunction and disease of such organs as the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, and blood vessels. Like Shiva bringing death and rebirth, ugliness and beauty, alcohol works its wing on the wangs of humanity.